Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Breast Augmentation Photo

In this second article on breast augmentation we're going to go over some of the options available to women who want to have their breasts enlarged.

But before getting to the actual procedures, especially when it comes to implants, the subject of breast implant before and after photos should be discussed.

The main purpose for breast implant photos is to show to the woman contemplating surgery, as close as possible, what she can expect her breasts to look like after the surgery is completed. This is done by looking at photos of subjects with similar bodies to her own. Surgeons keep a portfolio of all their own surgical procedures so the woman can get a very good idea of what his particular work will look like on her, as each surgeon has a different technique.

Because there is some swelling after the surgery, the surgeon will usually have photos at various time intervals after the surgery is completed, so the woman can see what her breasts will probably look like when they are back to normal. Also, some breast implant procedures will leave some scarring. By viewing photos the woman can get a relative idea of how much scarring she can expect. Also, given the time intervals of the photos, which are marked, a woman can get an idea of how long it is going to take for her breasts to heal.

As for the implants themselves, there are plenty of them to choose from.

There are saline implants. These are the only type in the US with FDA approval. These come in all shapes and sizes with various textures. But they are all silicone and salt water based. These became very popular after the FDA ban on pure silicon implants. Unlike silicone implants, if these implants rupture they can be absorbed by the body.

There are many options for these implants that affect their final appearance. Because these implants are softer than pure silicone, when implanted in the muscle they tend to ripple and thus have a more natural appearance. However, when placed just under the skin and above the muscle this lessens the rippling and produces a smoother though not as natural a look. For a woman who wants a larger cleavage, a round shaped implant is used which more naturally imitates the normal curvature of the breasts.

Saline breast implants have come a long way in recent years. It is now possible to insert them through the navel or underarm, position them appropriately and then use a special valve to fill the implants to the desired level. This allows the surgeon to increase the number of implants after surgery and also in many cases reduces recovery time. A patient can usually be back at work within a week after surgery is completed.

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