One of the most common reasons for women getting breast implants is to replace fullness lost due to childbearing. When a woman goes through pregnancy, her breast tissue and glandular matter swell up in anticipation of breastfeeding an infant. This is nature’s way and part of survival of the species. It can be a wonderful thing. Unfortunately, it can also zap away the fullness of a mommy’s bosom.
A pre-pregnancy and youthful breast is often full and perky. The external flesh is usually a taut container around the mammary glands and fatty tissue. When it stretches out in order to incorporate the maternal changes as well as the breast milk, it often never returns to the snug roundness it once was. Once a baby has been weaned, the internal components of the bosom may never be quite the same. This has come as quite a shocking revelation to many a young mom.
Mommy makeovers are quite popular with women who have finished childbearing. Tummy tucks and breast enhancements can give a mom back her curvy shape. Some women only need the insertion of an implant while others may need a nip and tuck in order to lift the bosom. These lifts are called “mastopexy” in medical jargon.
Once a woman has returned her figure to attractive youthfulness, she can focus on the next couple of decades of childrearing. A happy mommy who feels good about her looks will be an upbeat nurturer, as well.
photo courtesy of Bella Cosmetic Surgery, National Harbor, MD
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